Nimiq Logo
Welcome to the Nimiq design definition page. The identity has been redefined by carefully selecting colours, typography and shapes to show how powerful, useful & simple Nimiq products are.
The History
The Nimiq logo has evolved gradually over time, but the hexagon shape and wordmark have been constant elements in its design.
The Logo
The Nimiq logo is a plain hexagon – with rounded corners and a subtle golden radial gradient. That’s it. It’s an ecosystem-first logo. In its simplicity, it leaves enough room for others to build on. It’s not just a logo in the traditional sense, but rather a symbol – a boilerplate intended to be varied and reproduced.
Light horizontal variant
Light Horizontal variant
Dark vertical variant
Dark horizontal variant
Logo Mark
Our logo mark is an hexagon with a rounded corners and a subtle radial gold gradient
Gold hexagon
Clear space
To ensure that the logo has enough room to breathe, we apply a fixed clear space around it. This space should always be safeguarded, unless there is no way to avoid encroaching upon it.
For the horizontal variant the clear space is the size of the letter N in our wordmark.

Horizontal logo

Special use cases
It´s very unlikely you´ll need these, but we like to cover all the bases
Nimiq Logo
Use only where space constraints don´t allow use of the horizontal logo.
Small-scale logo
A specific small horizontal logo to use at a size between ??px and ??px wide. And the small vertical logo to use at a size between ??px and ??px wide. The small logo mark should be used at a size between ??px and ??px wide.
Logo extention
In case of logo-extensions, we use a white base and apply an opacity-gradient from the top-right edge to the bottom left edge of the shape, with a color-stop at about 60%.

These are different versions of the logo to use depending on your background.
Full-color logo
Our go-to version. Use it only with these backgrounds.
One-color logo
You've got one option: that’s white. Use this only on photographs and color backgrounds within the Nimiq color palette. You can find those gradiants in the Nimig Design Kit in the figma link below. On aubergine backgrounds, we strongly prefer to use the full-color logo. If there are design limitations, then the logo should appear in white on aubergine.

The don'ts with the Nimiq logo
Don't alter, crop, skew, Outline, distort or recreate the logo in any way

Don't use the full/color logo on an unapproved background color or low contrast photo
Don't display the Nimiq name without the logo mark
Don't use the full-color logo on the core color backgrounds
Don't change the orientation of the logo mark
Don't change the logo color
Get started as a Nimiq designer
Designers beware! For a more detailed explanation of how to use the components, such as using secondary colours, typography and how to use shadows. Click on the link below to see the Nimiq Design Kit on Figma.