Basics 3: Transactions
TL;DR? Run the demo.
Building on Basics 2: Blockchain Events & User Interface, we’re almost ready to receive some NIM.
But first, we need a wallet. And a place to store it.
Create and Store a Wallet
Creating a Nimiq wallet is as simple as:
const wallet = Nimiq.Wallet.generate();
The code above would generate a new random wallet every time you reload the page.
So let’s use the browser’s localStorage
to store our wallet.
With the following snippet in start()
, the app will try loading a previously stored wallet or
otherwise create a new wallet, then display the wallet’s address, and finally make sure it’s stored:
const wallet = localStorage.wallet
? Nimiq.Wallet.loadPlain(JSON.parse(localStorage.wallet))
: Nimiq.Wallet.generate();
$('address').textContent = wallet.address.toUserFriendlyAddress();
localStorage.wallet = JSON.stringify(Array.from(wallet.exportPlain()));
The last line might need some explanation:
will return a buffer of bytes.
But what we need is a string to store in localStorage
So we use Array.from
to turn the buffer into a plain JavaScript array,
and then JSON.stringify(...)
to convert it into a string, which we can
then read again with JSON.parse(...)
Let’s keep a reference to our wallet in the shared nimiq
nimiq.wallet = wallet;
We’ll add a section to the card body (<div class="nq-card-body">
to show our wallet’s address and balance:
<p>Address: <span id="address"></span></p>
<p>Balance: <span id="balance"></span></p>
Note: the HTML in the demo is a bit more complex, but just to look nice. Functionality-wise it’s the same. :)
Now update the balance each time a new block gets mined—which means
“there is an update on the blockchain” or
“the head of the blockchain has changed”—by adding to the onHeadChange
function onHeadChanged() {
// ... previous code ...
const account = await nimiq.client.getAccount(nimiq.wallet.address);
const balance = Nimiq.Policy.lunasToCoins(account.balance);
$('balance').textContent = `${balance.toFixed(2)} NIM`; // Limit to two decimals
Pico Clients save bandwidth by not automatically downloading all accounts.
Instead, we request the latest account info for our wallet on demand.
The balance we get from the account info is in Luna.
Luna is Nimiq’s smallest unit, 100’000 Luna = 1 NIM.
The conversion can be done conveniently with the Nimiq.Policy.lunasToCoins(...)
helper function.
Play: To see your stored wallet, run the example, open your dev tools (F12), and enter:
What you will get back is an array of numbers representing your serialized key pair consisting of private and public key.
Great! Your balance now stays up-to-date. You are all set to finally send and receive NIMs.
Receive Transactions
The Pico Client can monitor the network for incoming transactions,
so let’s add an event listener for that to start()
client.addTransactionListener(onTransaction, [wallet.address]);
… and implement it:
function onTransaction(txDetails) {
if (txDetails.recipient.equals(nimiq.wallet.address)) {
status(`Incoming transaction of ${Nimiq.Policy.lunasToCoins(tx.value)} NIM!`);
If you can’t wait, copy your address from the UI and send a transaction to it from Nimiq Safe. When you create a new account, you can get some free Testnet NIM by clicking the big “RECEIVE FREE NIM” button right in the middle. :) More details on this later.
Send Transactions
To send, we add a little form to the nq-card-body
to input address & value, and wire it up:
<h2>Send Transaction</h2>
<label class="nq-label" for="tx_recipient">Recipient Address</label>
<input type="string" id="tx_recipient">
<label class="nq-label" for="tx_amount">Amount in NIM</label>
<input type="number" id="tx_amount">
<button id="tx_send" class="nq-button">Send Transaction</button>
Listen to the button being clicked in start()
$('tx_send').addEventListener('click', () => {
const recipient = $('tx_recipient').value;
const amount = parseFloat($('tx_amount').value);
// We define this function in the next step
sendTransaction(recipient, amount);
Within sendTransaction(...)
, we create a transaction object and relay it to the network.
is a shortcut for
new Nimiq.BasicTransaction(wallet.publicKey, recipient, ...)
it also takes care of signing the transaction for us.
async function sendTransaction(recipient, amount) {
const transaction = nimiq.wallet.createTransaction(
Nimiq.Policy.coinsToLunas(amount), // Here we convert from NIM to luna
0, // Fee, which is not required in the testnet
await nimiq.client.getHeadHeight() // Blockchain height from when the transaction should be valid (we set the current height)
// Send to the Nimiq network
Fun fact: The
in the middle is the fee in Luna. In Nimiq, transactions can be sent for free. To be precise, other nodes will usually accept up to 10 free transactions from the same sender at the same time. But if you want to make sure that your transaction arrives quickly, or you plan to send large amounts, a minimum fee of two Lunas per byte are recommended. A basic transaction (without a message) is 138 bytes, an extended transaction 144 bytes + the byte length of the message. So 300 Luna, i.e. 0.003 NIM, should be fine for a simple transaction to be confirmed by the network in the next block.
To show some feedback while the transaction is going out,
we’ll extend the onTransaction(...)
function onTransaction(txDetails) {
// ... previous code ...
if (txDetails.sender.equals(nimiq.wallet.address)) {
switch (txDetails.state) {
case Nimiq.Client.TransactionState.PENDING:
status('Transaction is in the network...');
case Nimiq.Client.TransactionState.MINED:
// Transaction has been confirmed once
status('Transaction mined, looking good...');
case Nimiq.Client.TransactionState.CONFIRMED:
// Requires 10 confirmations by default (can be configured when creating the client)
status('Transaction confirmed for good. :)');
The txDetails
object has more fields you could use.
You can find details in the docs.
A transaction has six different states: NEW
: just created, PENDING
: in the network, waiting to be confirmed,
: got added to a block - in crypto slang “mined”,
: something is wrong with this transaction,
: it waited too long; a transaction can wait for a maximum of 120 blocks,
roughly 120 minutes, to be mined before it expires and becomes invalid,
: By default, a transaction is considered confirmed when
10 additional blocks have been mined by the network on top of the block our transaction was in.
It simply means, you can be very confident that the transaction will not be reverted.
Note: Listening to network activities depends on the Pico Client being connected to a full node. There are many full nodes in the Mainnet, but only very few in the Testnet. So it can happen that connecting to a full node fails in the Testnet. Just try reloading the page.
Get some NIM!
This little demo app has all the basic functionalities to be a minimal wallet app.
So now we’re ready to receive some NIM!
Start the demo
and switch to Mainnet in start()
Copy the wallet address shown in the app and head over to Follow the Nimiq Onboarding Guide, create a wallet and receive 1 NIM. Finally you’ll arrive in the Nimiq Safe from where you can send the NIM to your copied address. Then you can send it back again with your new send-transaction form, to keep it Safe. :)
Need more ideas?
Encryption: Right now, your private key is stored unencrypted.
You can replace exportPlain()
with exportEncrypted(password)
and loadPlain()
with loadEncrypted(stored, password)
Transaction message: Want to send a little message with each transaction? Sure, create an extended transactions in the next tutorial!
Continue the tutorial: Basics 4, Extended Transactions »
Find more help and documentation in the Nimiq Developer Center. Share your ideas and feedback on the Nimiq Community Forum, you’ll also find a dedicated section for discussions and ideas. Or get in touch at