
The checkout() method allows your site to request a transaction from the user. This will open a popup for the user to select the address to send from — or cancel the request. During the payment process, the signed transaction is sent (relayed) to the network but also returned to the caller, e.g. for processing in your site, storage on your server or re-submittal.

Table of Contents

  1. Request
  2. Options
  3. Result


Result: -

const options = {
  appName: 'Hub API Docs',
  recipient: 'NQ07 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000',
  value: 3.14 * 1e5, /* 3.14 NIM */
  // See more options in the table below

// All client requests are async and return a promise
const signedTransaction = await hubApi.checkout(options);


(On mobile, scroll right to see the whole table.)

Option Type Required? Description
appName string yes The name of your app, should be as short as possible.
recipient string yes The human-readable address of the recipient (your shop/app).
value number yes Value of the transaction, in Luna.
shopLogoUrl string no An image URL. Must be on the same origin as the request is sent from. Should be square and at least 146x146 px.
fee number no Transaction fee in luna. Default: 0
extraData string or Uint8Array no Extra data that should be sent with the transaction.
sender string no Human-readable address of the sender. If the address exists in the user’s Hub and has enough balance, the address selection is skipped.
forceSender boolean no Whether to force the submitted sender address. If this option is true, an exception is thrown when either the sender address does not exist or does not have sufficient balance. When false (default), the user will be shown the address selector instead. (Only relevant in connection with the sender option.)
validityDuration number no The duration (in number of blocks) that the signed transaction should be valid for. The maximum and default is 120.
flags number no A Nimiq.Transaction.Flag, only required if the transaction should create a contract.
recipientType number no The Nimiq.Account.Type of the recipient. Only required if the transaction should create a contract.


The checkout() method returns a promise which resolves to a SignedTransaction:

interface SignedTransaction {
    serializedTx: string;                  // HEX signed and serialized transaction
    hash: string;                          // HEX transaction hash

    raw: {
        signerPublicKey: Uint8Array;       // Serialized public key of the signer
        signature: Uint8Array;             // Serialized signature of the signer

        sender: string;                    // Human-readable address of sender
        senderType: Nimiq.Account.Type;    // 0, 1, 2 - see recipientType above

        recipient: string;                 // Human-readable address of recipient
        recipientType: Nimiq.Account.Type; // 0, 1, 2 - see above

        value: number;
        fee: number;
        validityStartHeight: number;       // Automatically determined validity
                                           // start height of the transaction
        extraData: Uint8Array;
        flags: number;
        networkId: number;

The serializedTx can be handed to a Nimiq JSON-RPC’s sendRawTransaction method.

The raw object can be handed to the NanoApi’s relayTransaction method.