Quick Start
Get started in three easy steps:
Your address: -
Your address: <span id="output">-</span>
<button id="choose-address">Choose address</button>
<!-- 1. Include the Hub API from the CDN -->
integrity="sha256-5X6zryCUAPOnfjLU8tEtJrLdcslA2UI27RsUWnLAxHs=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
// 2. Initialize the Hub API for the testnet (for mainnet use 'https://hub.nimiq.com')
const hubApi = new HubApi('https://hub.nimiq-testnet.com');
// 3. Add a click handler to start a Hub API request
document.getElementById('choose-address').addEventListener('click', async function(event) {
const output = document.getElementById('output');
try {
const result = await hubApi.chooseAddress({ appName: 'Hub API Docs' });
output.textContent = result.address;
} catch (error) {
output.textContent = error.message;
For more details about available methods on the HubApi
, please see the API Reference.